Autor príspevku: Veronika Holíková
Dátum pridania: 2. 6. 2020
Zdrojová stránka:

Supporting Clients with Intense Emotions – Tips and Tools from Emotion Focused Therapy


Interventions for In-Person or Online Applications


Trained and dedicated as we are in our helping professions, we all know how to “talk about” emotions. The trouble with emotions, however, is that when clients leave our office (or our Zoom/Skype session) and then feel their intense emotions – when they are caught in a tornado of rage, or sinking into a black hole of despair – the talk may not have prepared them sufficiently for the feelings that they later experience. 


In Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), we work with experienced emotion in the session, in a very specific, definable, learnable way. The EFT therapist balances following and leading the client, to support them in developing self-efficacy with their emotional experiences. We follow the client to their most painful core emotions, and we guide or lead them in how to process and work with their emotions, to be able to live productively with the array of feelings in the human experience.


This 3-hour webinar will offer an introduction to the EFT conceptualization of emotion, and instruction in some basic EFT interventions that participants may incorporate into their current work setting and their current therapeutic framework. Topics will include basics about emotion, the impact of emotion on motivation to change, and productive emotion processing. Teaching of tools will include an introduction to assessing the quality of a client’s emotion processing style, utilizing specific empathic attunement to emotion, and utilizing the steps of EFT emotion processing and the associated tools for increasing client “emotion self-efficacy.” 


Learning Objectives:


With this webinar, participants will have the opportunity to advance their abilities in:


  • ·        demonstrating an “emotion-friendly” attitude in the face of clients’ intense emotions,


  • ·        utilizing empathic attunement to emotion,


  • ·        facilitating productive emotion processing in clients,


  • ·        increasing clients’ emotion self-efficacy in experiencing their intense feelings.




Date: 23.6.2020  17:30 – 20:30 h.


Language: English




Price: 40 Eur




Webinar will be webcasted by using Zoom platform. Link for the webinar will be sent to you after the completed registration.




Joanne Dolhanty, PhD., C.Psych


Dr. Joanne Dolhanty, PhD, C.Psych, is a supervising and consulting clinical psychologist from Canada. She provides Emotion Focused trainings to individuals, parents, professionals and organizations in countries around the globe. With Dr. Leslie Greenberg she developed the application of Emotion Focused Therapy to Eating Disorders. She is the developer of Emotion Focused Skills Training (EFST). She is a registered supervisor with the International Society for Emotion Focused Therapy. 


Dr. Dolhanty is known for her lively, warm, and engaging teaching style; for making complex concepts accessible to learning; and for facilitating practice change as well as personal growth in workshop participants.