Autor príspevku: Katarína Mihinová
Dátum pridania: 2. 8. 2006
Zdrojová stránka:

PhD positions

P. J. Šafárik University in Košice together with University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Košice Institute for Society and Health

offers two four-year

PhD positions

in the field of Youth and Health

The project is focusing on

Individual, interpersonal, social and societal factors of risk behavior among adolescents and young adults

The PhD student should have

► a completed university education (Master) in psychology (or other behavioral science)
► interest in field of risk behavior, drug prevention
► interest in and ability for empirical research in the frame of international co-operation
► English language skills
► computer literacy

The PhD study

► will consist of five articles in international peer reviewed journals;
► the articles, together with an Introduction and a Discussion will form the Dissertation
► the PhD-study will be defended at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands
► the PhD student will be full-time appointed at the Institute of Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, P.J. Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia

Motivation Letter and Curriculum Vitae
should be submitted in English till September 15, 2006 to:
Selected candidates will be called for an interview.


Ivana Majerova
Kosice Institute of Society and Health
Faculty of Science, P.J. Šafárik University
tel: 055-622 21 22, kl. 125
► For more information visit: